Sunday, 21 May 2017

Who, What, Why?

Hello humans,

Well this has been a week, that much is certain. Creatively I have been at a high not reached in years, mentally I'm drained, and financially I'm fucked. So fun, fun, fun for everyone! Now this is not going to devolve into me begging for financial aid from the internet, for starters I have nowhere near a following to warrant such a thing; all this means is I have to double my efforts to find new employment, having being out of work for little over a month now is truly starting to take a toll. Having said that, Andrew is employed now (he actually got the job offer the day I was fired, at the same company no less) so at least income is a thing. The panic that has come from all of this however I something I could not have anticipated, and I do feel truly awful for having hidden some details about how far up shit creek we've been from the other half.

Enough of that though, let's have some slightly more lighthearted stuff. I've talking to a few people recently who I haven't spoken to in long long times. This has resulted in a hopeful, possible collaborative effort between myself and a friend of a certain isle, however I'm saying no more on this in case (as usual) I say something only to then encourage the event to never happen.

As of time of writing, Andrew and I are gearing up for a new venture we've been dancing around doing for a while now, we will be watching and reviewing every episode of "New Who" starting with 2005's 'Rose'. I'm not yet sure on how often this will be, and I did want to start with the Hartnell/1st Doctor but I'm sure I can get u round to that in time.

The gaming channel is going strong with 'The Clone Wars' wrapping up after a little break during the week, The French Ambassador is finally reaching Whiterun and embarking on what I'm told is an actual adventure, and there are a few little games on the horizon including the brilliantly frustrating Mini Metro, which should be live tomorrow.

This past week has also seen the eventual arrival of interactive week, which was something I was so excited about prior to the removal of annotations from YouTube, but after the 2nd of May (and me failing to have any ideas filmed, rendered and uploaded in time) I had to rework some ideas. The result was me forgetting the thing was even planned until the 17th, an entire day after interactive week was meant to commence, so another well executed idea from me there. I have one video idea left to go out, as well as recycling an older video which is currently set to private, so that's something mildly fun.

I have Doctor Who to watch now though, lest the wrath of Andrew befall me for not vacating the blog with adequate swiftness.

thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the future.

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