Monday, 8 February 2016

100 ~ 002

Hello humans,

As I write, the finale of Gravity Falls is fast approaching. I don't watch a lot of TV these days, most (if not all) of my entertainment is taken from the internet. something which drew looks of both shock and disgust from someone trying to get me to sign-up to satellite TV, I'm too lazy for that crap. But this charming little cartoon has kept me entertained over the past few years. Like Doctor Who, Sherlock, and the Eurovision song contest, Gravity Falls has always left me wanting more. What'll I do now...

See you in the future.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

100 ~ 001

Hello humans,

It has not been the greatest start to the year, especially with some beloved figure passing on every other day. With this I have found it hard to even bring myself to create once again. Laziness is the only true excuse. However, pointless tasks have been conjured from the mildly sensible corners of my mind; tasks such as this, which may in time lead to some element of focus. There are great spreadsheets and notepads, diaries and lists detailing what should be done, how, and when by. Maybe I'll get around to that.

See you in the future.