Thursday, 19 March 2015

Amiibo, Nintendo, And Other Games

Hello humans, how be you? Good I hope.

Let's Plays are a thing, and they're something I enjoy both watching and creating. I'm rather crap at the latter, in part due to my lack of adequate gaming skills despite my youth been spent in front of a console or pc. Yet that has not stopped me, in fact thanks to Nintendo I've crafted a rather thrilling video series full of Amiibo. Yes I've jumped on that bandwagon, and over the next few days you can see these finely trained (some better than others) characters beat ten bucket loads of crap out of each other. For fun, for sport, for the thrill of conquest; call it what you will but there's something oddly satisfying about watching Donkey "Dankey Kang" Kong and Princess "BintFace" Peach, assault classic characters.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Games, Games, Games

Hello humans, as you#ve probably already gathered I like games. I like games A LOT. I was raised with a Sega Master System and later a Mega Drive, followed by an N64 (and my grandad's PC with various games like Chip's Challenge and DOOM) all of which have left a lasting impression on me. This is why I am determined to continue to throw out Let's Plays. Now they may not be the most entertaining but I strive to better myself and with external support I hope to develop into a somewhat capable and entertaining person.

With this in mind I have taken great strides recently to develop interesting content. Right now I am in the process of capturing footage from Smash Bros. WiiU for an 'Amiibo Tournament' which should be pretty damn fun if you don't mind me saying so.

I've also tried to break free from my obsession with Sonic to actually record, edit, and upload more videos. I hope that my wasted hours on electronic entertainment enthrall you, the viewer, and if you have any suggestions for improvements (besides something along the lines of "quit now you hopeless idiot") I would very much welcome them.

I have some big plans for my online activity, but anyone who knows me will testify that if I make promises they are things I'm most likely to end up breaking in some way, so for now I'll just say this; thank you for reading, and if you follow me in any regard thank you very, very much. There are surely better things for you to spend you time on, but every single view is something oddly special to me.

I'll be rolling out new content consistently within the coming week across YouTube, this blog, and other outlets and I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. If not, I'm sorry but I am just one insignificant guy with far to many ideas that I can actually implement, I just hope the ones with slip through are in some way 'good'.

Thanks for reading.
See you in the future.

Monday, 23 February 2015

The Numismatist In Me

Coins are fantastic things. You can be things with coins, you can sometimes receive coins for buying things too, you can ogle in awe at shiny coins, and stare in confusion or disgust at a beaten up coin which has clearly seen better days (before putting said coin towards a chocolate bar, video game, or whatever else your heart may desire).

Coins of course are just one part of currency, a system which keeps the whole world working wildly with wondrous writ (that makes sense doesn't it, I'm quite sure it does. It's getting late and I'm rather tired but hey-ho, I'll saunter on).

The matter at hand, as the clever little monkeys amoung you may have already divulged, is that I like coins. I would go so far as to say that I am a numismatist (see how it all links in with the title, oh aren't I clever). A numismatist, if you don't know and can't be arsed to search the term, is a person who study's or collects money, coins or medals. True it may seem like a rather grand, or even pompous hobby, and something which may be seen to be restricted to the well off; after all if someone has lots of money they can probably afford a slightly expensive distraction, however most hobbies, activities, and general recreational ventures do have some element of cost (but I'm getting distracted now, and what's with all these brackets? No more I say, it's getting silly)

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Earthcore: What Be It?

Earthcore is the umbrella title of a collection of science fiction stories I've been working on for some time now. Over the years (because I'm lazy but also constantly changing things) the series has gone through multiple changes originally being a goofy buddy adventure, it soon developed into a futuristic war; followed by distopia, sci-fi/fantasy hybrid serial, and eventually it became the collection of stories set in the far flung future I am currently working on. Even now adjustments are being made to what I thought would be integral plot points, such is the curse of a stupid mind like mind.

Earthcore, as mentioned above is actually as series of stories:

  • Earthcore: The cliche tale of greed and desperation for control of resources leads to growing tensions. Eventual accidents and disaster plunge the world into chaos.
  • Earthcore - Aftershocks: In a way the actual starting point of the series (timelines, they can get a bit confusing). Aftershocks follows a group of resistance fighters who aren't necessarily on the right or wrong side. Deception, misdirection, and ever shifting powers result in growing tensions throughout a world still struggling to cope after the Earthcore incident hundreds of years earlier. Humanity looks set to destroy itself, without realising something far more dangerous is biding its time and has been manipulating the course of human development for almost a millennium.
  • Earthcore - The Fall of Crookdor: Look I tried my best to be a good boy and not give too much away about Aftershocks, so I'm saying nothing for Crookdor. Basically it's a thing which exists (or will exist when its done) and involves something called Crookdor falling. I hope it didn't get hurt to badly, I nearly fell over the other day and whacked my knee off the wall. It still hurts.
  • Earthcore - Gateway: Ohh I wonder what this could be (spoilers)
  • Earthcore - Minoris: Friendships are tested, lives are lost, and some heroes don't turn out how people expect. Pressure and the right situation can cause all sort of interesting results, will someone rise to the challenge or cower in fear clinging to the hope that someone else will clean up the mess which has now affected large sectors of space and time. For some there is no hope, but death doesn't have to be the end so long as you have the right connections.
  • Adextri Orlanis: Essentially a prequel, flashback thing taking in key events from a different angle.

So now that I've given you a post of bot all (in all fairness I never said I'd fully explain anything) You can feel free to moan at me about how much of your time I've wasted, although you probably have better things to do the pester this idiot.

Rest assured this is in the works and new content will be published (semi)-regularly. to keep track of this and all my other crap you check the MASTER SCHEDULE

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Angry Automatic Door

Hello humans, how goes the day?

Automatic doors, they're brilliant aren't they? Well they can be and certainly should be, but there's always the ones which are just a little bit dickish. You know the ones I mean; the kind of door which wont upon until you've practically walked into it, and even then it slowly slides open mocking you like some kind of sadistic robot gatekeeper. Then there's the ones which are all too eager to close, perhaps they don't want to let the cold in, maybe they don't like my jumper, or feel threatened by my ridiculous height in some way. Whatever the reason these doors definitely have attitude issues.